Saturday, February 5, 2011


Well. Now my computer is malfunctioning to the point of doing the techno-equivalent of a marvelous impression of Martina Gedeck in "Mostly Martha." That is, stabbing a raw stake into the table of a rude and snobbish customer, ripping off the table cloth, spilling wine on said customer, throwing her apron at her boss, and storming out of the restaurant, slamming the door behind her(1). Yeah, tough huh?

Anyhoo, I know I invoked the holy words of fo'sho' but I'm afraid I must admit that I did not reach the deadline. And now the Fo'sho' gawds are coming to smite me. I SORRY! Yes, Jaz parks is still being enjoyed. And I'm not even halfway done. Busy week.

So instead, I will talk to you about music. Yes, musica!! So I have landed myself a part in the school production of Much Ado About Nothing... Swing Era version. So I'm slappin' some bass, mon! And cello too for the more somber and the less swing-y parts. Actually have to write a short cello requiem. By Monday.. Right, better get on that. Also, thanks to everyone who made it to Summer Thyme's to hear me play a short (thankfully) opening!

More posts to come soon.


(1) - If you haven't seen it, you should. It's great. It was kind of ripped off by the 2007 movie "No Reservations" which pretty much sucked compared to its German counterpart.

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